

Safeguarding policy

Aspire takes safeguarding issues very seriously. We believe that everybody must be treated with dignity and respect. Where our work brings us into contact with vulnerable adults, young people and children we want to ensure that they are welcomed in to a safe, caring environment with a happy and friendly atmosphere.

Aspire recognises that it is the responsibility of everyone of its employees and beneficiaries to promote the safety and welfare of vulnerable people and to prevent the neglect, physical, sexual or emotional abuse of vulnerable adults as well as to report any abuse that is discovered or reasonably suspected.

Aspire is committed to supporting, resourcing and training those who work alongside vulnerable adults and to providing adequate supervision and to work alongside other agencies to put in place appropriate procedures for reporting, making referrals, accessing training and specialist support, as and when required.

All people working with vulnerable adults, young people and children, will be required to undergo Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) checks and references for those in paid employment. These will be used to check and help us to assess suitability.

We will assess any criminal record information that is disclosed in line with our data protection and equalities (treating ex-offenders fairly) policies.

We will provide an induction programme for all new volunteers and staff, appropriate training to enable all personnel to undertake their roles safely and confidently, and ongoing training where it is identified to be required.

Whenever we work on sites where vulnerable people are present, we will take this into account in site risk assessments and the supervisor will for these purposes be the Safeguarding Officer who will be available to all staff, volunteers and beneficiaries to speak when they any concerns, issues or complaints regarding the safety, well-being or conduct of anybody on site.

The Safeguarding Officer will have access to appropriate training to support them in this role. Where any complaint is received on site they will report this back to the Aspire Contract Manager who will investigate the matter and liaise with appropriate agencies and maintain the appropriate records.

We will review this policy at least on an annual basis.