Aspire seeks to promote community well being through investing in local communities, building the skills and capacity of local residents, creating enterprise and new opportunities and improving the physical space. Environmental management is integral to our goals and to delivering performance to a satisfactory standard.
Aspire aims to carry out its operations in a way which manages and minimises any adverse environmental impact from its activities, which focuses on reducing waste first and foremost, then reuse and recycling, that prevents pollution, and to comply with best practice in environmental standards.
We will achieve this by:
- continual improvement in environmental performance;
- compliance, as a minimum, with all applicable legislation;
- implementation of and continued improvement of an occupational risk management system that meets the requirements of the International Standards Organisation;
- the setting and review of environmental objectives and targets;
- review of the management system and policy to ensure their suitability, adequacy and effectiveness;
- provision of suitable and sufficient environmental information, instruction and training to enable all staff to carry out their jobs competently;
- effective communication and cooperation with clients and third parties so that they are aware of our environmental management objectives and expectations.
Aspire recognises that the improvement of environmental management is a major priority not only for its own organisation but throughout its supply chain and for the publics it serves. Leadership for environmental management lies with the Board which reviews the management system on a regular basis, and no less than once a year. Environmental management is everyone’s responsibility and the Board will ensure that everyone is able to contribute to achieving our overall objective and provide adequate resources to implement this policy and to ensure that it is properly communicated and understood.